Ruddy Duck

Oxyura jamaicensis
Lacha rua

Status All Ireland Probable breeder
Population estimate all Ireland 0-1 pairs
Trend (12 years) Decrease
Trend (40 years) Increase followed by decline

Survey Timing: May to July

Habitat: Inshore waters of Lough Neagh, and occasionally elsewhere.(only Quoile Pondage, and Lough Ourna, Tipperary noted since 2011.

Occurrence: Artificially introduced to Great Britain from North America from where spread to Northern Ireland and a small number into the Republic. Having been declared a pest and culled (because Spanish Wildlife authorities complained that it was threatening to hybridise very similar European species White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala out of existence)*, population now very low.

Habitat preference (simple description of preferred nesting habitat): In rough vegetation on ground, often quite far back from water (Mean 80m BWP).

Preferred ways to establish breeding status: Search for adult female escorting young on water.

J. Paul Hillis