Common Redstart

Phoenicurus phoenicurus


Status All Ireland:  Breeding (Republic only)
Population estimate all Ireland: < 20 pairs
Trend (12 years): Stable
Trend (40 years): Stable

Survey timing: May to June

Habitat: Woodland

Occurrence: Mainly County Wicklow, but occasionally Donegal and possibly Killarney.

Habitat preference (simple description of preferred nesting habitat): Prefers mature oak woodland or mixed woodland with oak component, but can also occur in more sparse open woodland (stunted trees) on upper reaches of valley sides, occasionally even associated with conifers – especially Scots pine. Often holds territory at edge of woodland clearings or clearfell areas.

Preferred ways to establish breeding status: A relatively secretive species, spending much of its time high in the upper branches and foliage of oak trees. Best located by hearing the male in song – a subtle enough short jingle not unlike part of a Chaffinch’s song. Male sings from a perch usually high in the canopy and often out of sight. Generally worth spending time in the area where male singing to see if there is a female around. If so, they are almost certainly breeding. Nest is in a natural tree cavity, usually not too high (typically 1m to 5m above ground). Both birds will come to the lower branches and even the ground to forage for and feed young in nest. This is best chance to prove breeding.

Dick Coombes