Red-necked Phalarope

halaropus lobatus
Falaróp gobchaol

Status All Ireland:  Breeding
Population estimate all Ireland: < 2 pairs
Trend (12 years): Increase
Trend (40 years): Increase

Survey timing: May – August

Habitat: Wetlands

Occurrence: Rare breeder occasionally nesting in the west of Ireland.

Habitat preference (simple description of preferred nesting habitat): Wetlands with surrounding swamp and mire communities; nest sites are located within the mire communities, particularly amongst sedges, and the chick-rearing areas amongst the vegetation along pool edges and concealed amongst emergent vegetation. Locating males with young is easier than locating nest sites. Open water with extensive edging that has emergent vegetation of sedges, bog-bean and rushes is important; this is where phalaropes engage in social interactions (take-off and landing, display and copulation etc) and the emergent vegetation for feeding on small aquatic invertebrates.

Preferred ways to establish breeding status: Proven breeding if at least one of the following recorded – the presence/location of a nest, the sighting of pre-fledged chicks or observations of males displaying in a manner characteristic of a bird acting as if with young. Probable breeding if the male present on a known or likely breeding site for more than 7 days and associated with a female for at least a part of the stay. Possible breeding if the male or pair at a likely or known breeding site for a period of less than 7 days.

Dave Suddaby